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First Page - ¡Ya está en marcha! Todas las historias son verídicas, o están basadas en hechos reales. Lectura ilimitada por $4.99 / mes. No hay que descargar nada. Lea en su teléfono, tableta u ordenador.
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The Third Man by Angela Sheffield is based on a true story. Read chapter one now!
Lo que leemos en la Biblia tiene que ver con todos los seres humanos, sean cristianos o judíos, ateos o agnósticos, budistas, musulmanes o adherentes a alguna de las filosofías o nuevas religiones que surgen en el mundo. ¿Por qué? Ver mayor información sobre este interesante libro.
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world
Amados, no creáis a todo espíritu, sino probad los espíritus si son de Dios; porque muchos falsos profetas han salido por el mundo.
Geliebte, glaubet nicht jedem Geist, sondern prüfet die Geister, ob sie von Gott sind! Denn es sind viele falsche Propheten hinausgegangen in die Welt.
Based on true events, The Third Man by Angela Sheffield, brings the Bible up close and personal as the characters face real issues of life: Betrayal, deceit, romance, bitterness, anger against God, hopelessness, will power, perplexity, triumph, unforgiveness, mental illness, and the "Alcohol made me do it" excuse. Read chapter one FREE now.
Copyright notice: This website and its content is copyright of © Heavenly Manna ( 2002-2016.
you know, the stuff you say about chi and crystals and such, doesn't make much sense, you said chi is not of God because you can control it, yet it doesn't seem to heal, therefore you can't control it can you? and the same can be said of Christians laying on of hands, sometimes it works, most times it doesn't, same with reiki, same with eating right. crystals are just rocks, and if God likes to use nature to make us feel better i'm not surprised, the same as food, He likes to use food to make us feel better, food can be good or evil, anything can be used by witches to be made evil, that doesn't mean a rock is evil, or food is bad to eat... you should stop fear mongering like this. there's nothing wrong with God's will for us to eat, feel better in nature instead of a toxic environment, so all this crazy talk makes Christians look bad and nothing more, and yes i'm a Christian, i eat whole food organic vegan diet, and feel bad if i eat bad food, what do you have to say about that? am i practicing a new age belief? am i being a witch by relying on nature to feed me instead of God? that would be a crazy thing to say, but you're saying it repeatedly... anyway, there's good and evil, good and evil uses of good things, because God created it all and said 'it is good'... so don't say God's creation is bad, you contradict God, say people evil hearts are bad and they poison what is good... so it is your heart that makes a thing bad, what is on the inside, not a rock, or energy, or anything like that... please stop making me feel like i look like a fool when i say i'm a Christian because of nonsense like this.
by: Elaine
Posted on 2013-04-25 18:39:26
To Elain:
The article points out the control of electromagnetic energy, but that control does NOT amount to controling healing of the body by the hand of God. This is made very plain in the article. You wrote, "the same can be said of Christians laying on of hands, sometimes it works, most times it doesn't". First, are you aware of what ELSE the Bible says about Christians being sick and the laying on of hands? Scripture says why some Christians do not receive healing, and will not receive it even with the laying on of hands. You probably are totally unaware of what scriptures we're referring to and where they are. There is a reason why there are thousands of scriptures of the Bible. Most people don't know even 1/100 of them, yet try to use them in discussions. Comparing rocks with food is like comparing apples with oranges--two different things. The Bible plainly instructs us concerning diet (no, we're not referring to the Old Test.), However, can you cite even one scripture that tells us that the Lord heals through rocks?
You wrote, "there's nothing wrong with God's will for us to eat, feel better in nature instead of a toxic environment". We ask you: Where in this article did you read that we said God does not want us to be healthy?? You did not read such a thing, so why did you make that statement? You don't have to like or agree with the article or the Bible for that matter; but don't say that we said something we did not say. We have an abundance of articles that speak about the importance of eating a healthy diet. So, don't accuse when you are not informed. Obviously, you don't know what information is at this site. The article is about the falsehood of so-called crystal energy healing, something that is not seen in scripture nor is working today, except to deceive people into believing that there is healing in rocks. There is no healing in a rock, unless of course we are speaking of the Rock of salvation, Christ Himself.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2013-04-25 23:35:56
stop calling me names, i have very little response to your response except that nature declares the glory of God, not the glory of the devil and even heaven is paved and decorated with rocks and gems, and Jesus said 'if you don't cry out, the rocks will'...
everyone knows that nature is healing and meant for our good... i don't need a scripture for that, it is written that it's obvious...
salt is a crystal used for purifying and protecting from decay etc etc... Jesus called us the salt of the earth, do you think He meant we make it taste good?
anyway, i'm unsubscribing, you are too defensive
by: Elaine
Posted on 2013-04-25 23:47:25
To Elaine:
Where did we call you a name?? Are you seeing things that no one else is seeing? Again, just because you don't like what you read does not mean that you should just make up things. And, if you don't base your beliefs on scripture, why are you writing to us? Obviously, we DO base all that we say on scripture. We did not contact you. You contacted us. Unsubscribe, if you want. But, since you responded this time, you will be notified of the printing of your response--and ours. We plainly state this on the web site. Again, healing is in the Rock of Salvation--Jesus. And, Christ is not nature. He is the Creator of nature, but He Himself is not nature. He is one of the three persons of God.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2013-04-28 13:30:09
yeah, you're living your life by scripture, what about the one where it says to be kind to each other, and the one where it says to live in peace, and how about the one where it says to sell all you have and give to the poor, i'm poor, send me a cheque please, what about the one where it says not to touch blood, guess you better give up cooking meat to eat... Christ is not nature, and neither are you, you must be of the devil i guess... you are causing people to be afraid of ROCKS for pete's sake, for one thing, fear is not what Jesus preached, and He also told you not to make other people stumble... and you are very insulting and have no idea how i live my life, and yes i've read the Bible front to back, every single word, how dare you assume that i haven't just because i don't like being mean to people who don't believe as i do? you will know a tree by it's fruit, if rocks and nature and trees heal, then it's all good, if people like you cause fear and contention, then i would worry about YOUR fruit... we are not of the same spirit, so i would say we each have to examine our hearts, as there's only two kingdoms...
by: Elaine
Posted on 2013-04-28 13:54:33
To Elaine:
You ask us off-topic questions attempting to divert away from the topic. But, you ignore questions that were asked of you ON TOPIC. Our conversation threads are not for rambling, which most people do when they don't like the message. So, if you want your next response printed, THOROUGHLY answer ALL three questions below. As we told you, we believe in scripture. If you don't, why are you writing to us? Here are your questions:
1. In your last response, you said that we called you names. Point out the SPECIFIC names that we supposedly called you. List them, and tell us EXACTLY where they appear in our responses to you. If you cannot find name-calling, then explain why you made the accusation. We are not going to drop this because this is the second time you've said that we said something that we did NOT.
2. Why is that you attempt to change the subject by talking about the poor, meat-eating, and so many other things except HEALING through rocks and crystals--the very focus of this article? If you want to talk about those other things, comment on the articles we have on those topics (we have plenty). We will answer every question you can imagine that comes into your mind on those topics. Since you have not quoted even a single scripture that tells us that God heals through rocks, quote the EXACT scriptures then that tell us that the Lord Jesus is our Healer. YOU said that you know the Bible, so you should have no trouble quoting them.
3. Also, if you are a Christian, you should be happy to quote them because they glorify the true Healer of the sick physical body, the sin-sick spirit, and the sick mind. Do you NOT want to give Him the glory that He is due?? If you do not want to glorify the Son of God, then you are absolutely right when you say that you are not of the same spirit as we are, because we love to give him the glory that is His forever.
by: Heavenly Manna
Posted on 2013-04-28 14:40:15
We're a small team, please be patient as we review comments.