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First Page True Stories

Truth really can be stranger than fiction.

First Page - Now launched! All the stories are true, or based on real events. Unlimited reading for $4.99 / month. No downloads. Read on your phone, tablet or computer.

La verdad puede ser más extraña que la ficción.

First Page - ¡Ya está en marcha! Todas las historias son verídicas, o están basadas en hechos reales. Lectura ilimitada por $4.99 / mes. No hay que descargar nada. Lea en su teléfono, tableta u ordenador.

Manna Minutes Christian Podcast

Manna Minutes Podcast: Eye-opening Bible study in less than five minutes! Access all episodes here.

Podcast cristiano Manna Minutes

El podcast Manna Minutes: ¡Estudio bíblico que nos hace abrir los ojos en menos de cinco minutos! Acceda a todos los episodios aquí.

Manna Minutes Christian Podcast

Manna Minutes Podcast Auf Deutsch: Augenöffnendes Bibelstudium in weniger als fünf Minuten! Alle Episoden finden Sie hier.

Is The Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate Of God? Or Is It Evil?

Did you know the Word of God (the Christian Bible) speaks directly against what governments are doing with Covid-19 vaccine mandates? Get the facts here

¿Viene de Dios el mandato de vacuna contra el Covid-19? O ¿acaso es malo?

¿Sabía que la Palabra de Dios (la Biblia cristiana) condena de manera directa lo que los gobiernos están haciendo a través de los mandatos de vacuna contra el Covid-19? Obtenga los hechos aquí.


The Third Man by Angela Sheffield

Was There A Curse On Helen's Romantic Life?

The Third Man by Angela Sheffield is based on a true story. Read chapter one now!

Should A Christian Practice Yoga Or Pilates? The Shocking Truth

Perhaps you practice yoga for health reasons, or to reduce stress. But, do you really know the diabolical goal of any form or style of yoga, including pilates? Get your answers here

La verdad espeluznante sobre el yoga revelada por la Biblia cristiana

Quizás practiques yoga por motivos de salud o para reducir el estrés. Pero, ¿realmente conoces el objetivo diabólico de cualquier forma o estilo de yoga, incluido el pilates? Obten tus respuestas aquí.

Communicating With The Dead: Learn The Shocking Truth

The spirit you think is mom, dad, or some other loved one from beyond the grave is NOT your loved one. But, what about the "proof" that the living can indeed talk to the dead? Let God's Word open your eyes to a deception that is pure evil. Read Spirits Of The Deceased

Comunicarse con los muertos: La impactante verdad

El espíritu que parece ser tu madre, padre o algún otro ser querido tuyo desde el más allá NO es tu ser querido. Pero, ¿qué hay de "la prueba" de que los vivos pueden comunicarse con los muertos? Permite que la Palabra de Dios te abra los ojos para que veas el engaño que es de la maldad pura. Te invitamos a leer ¿Están los muertos entre los vivos?

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Capital Punishment Is Sanctioned By The Bible

Christians and believers in the Bible, the Word of God calls for the death penalty for first degree murder, rape, and other acts of violence. The Bible tells us to behold the goodness AND the severity of God whose Word--including in the New Testament--does NOT speak against capital punishment Read the scriptural proof now.

La Biblia sanciona la pena capital

Cristianos y creyentes en la Biblia, la Palabra de Dios pide la pena de muerte para el asesinato en primer grado, la violación y otros actos de violencia. La Biblia nos dice que contemplemos la bondad Y la severidad de Dios, cuya Palabra -incluso en el Nuevo Testamento- NO habla en contra de la pena capital. Lea ahora la prueba bíblica.

traducciones inglés español

Teofila Gottfried book

¿Qué tiene que ver conmigo? por Teófila Gottfried

Lo que leemos en la Biblia tiene que ver con todos los seres humanos, sean cristianos o judíos, ateos o agnósticos, budistas, musulmanes o adherentes a alguna de las filosofías o nuevas religiones que surgen en el mundo. ¿Por qué? Ver mayor información sobre este interesante libro.

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Content In: Christian Growth


The Bible on Cohabitation: Daily Devotions by Heavenly Manna

Does the word of God say anything about cohabitation? Yes, it does. This is one of the many questions with which we deal in our daily devotions. Read more


The One Angel of God Whom Christians Serve

Who is this one angel of God that every Christian should be able to distinguish from the others in scripture? Why is he unique? How does identification of him lead to identification of the other angels of God? Read more


Manna Minutes Christian Podcast Episodes

Access all of the episodes of Manna Minutes Christian podcast by HeavenlyManna.net here. Manna Minutes is the podcast for busy followers of Christ who want real biblical answers to difficult and puzzling questions about life, God and the spiritual realm. Read more


What Is the Sinner's Prayer?

Understand the sinner's prayer, how to pray it, and when to pray it. Read more


The Biblical Definition Of Real Faith In God

The eleventh chapter of the New Testament book of Hebrews is dedicated in its entirety to all believers in Jesus who are willing to fight the good fight of faith in God. Such a fight can be lost without a clear understanding of just what it means to truly have faith in God. The scripture of Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as, Read more


Commentary On Matthew 5:48 - Be Ye Perfect

This eye-opening commentary on Matthew 5:48 in which Jesus says to be perfect as our Father in heaven is perfect, explains exactly what He meant by those most important words. Read more


The Importance of Small Group Bible Study Prayer

Learn how small group Bible study prayer can invite the Spirit of God into the study of his word. Readers are offered guidance in constructing a prayer list and in lifting prayer, supplications, the giving of thanks, and praises to the only leader of a truly Christian group--Christ. Read more


The Peace of Christ through the Yoke of Christ

Millions of people suffer from depression, anxiety, unhappiness, discontentment, restlessness, confusion, and mental torment. Many of these same people have heard the truth that they are in need of the peace of Christ. Sadly, however, not many of them are taught the meaning or the importance of accepting the yoke of Jesus to attain peace. Read more


Local Life Changing Bible Studies

The unique model for these life changing Bible studies can be duplicated in your neighborhood. Individuals and groups can also learn the Bible online with us through participation in lively discussions. Read more


A Christian Perspective on the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World

The seven wonders of the ancient world fascinate people of all faiths. However, Christians remind themselves that the true God dwelleth not in temples made with hands. And, unlike pagans, we do not honor the idol gods who are honored in those architectural masterpieces. Read more


Satan Is the god of this World: A Commentary on James 1:27

Do you know that the Bible actually gives a definition of religion? It is one that cannot be found in any dictionary. We are told that pure religion and undefiled before God includes keeping ourselves unspotted from the world. We are also told in 2 Corinthians 4 that Satan is the god of this world. Let us learn how the biblical definition of religion proves that true Christianity and other religions will never mix. Read more


Jesus Is Lord But Is He Your Lord?

Learn why Jesus asked some people why they bother to call him Lord. What is the spirit that should be behind the words, "Jesus is Lord." Read more


The Christian Bible on Atheism and the Atheist

Does the Christian Bible say anything about atheism? Does it describe the mind set of an atheist? Yes, it does; learn what it says. Read more


Unity in the Body of Christ: A Bible Study or Sunday School Lesson

This enlightening and thought-provoking Bible study on unity in the body of Christ compares the physical body of a single person to the spiritual body of Christ in order to drive home very important truths. These down-to-earth, easy-to-understand teachings can be used as Bible study within a group or to study alone. Unity in the body of Christ is the power of Christ. Read more


Overcome Negative Thoughts and Words Today!

Have you tried to practice positive thinking, but have failed? If so, you're not the only one. Learn a simple method for ridding yourself of negative thoughts that lead to negative words, which have power in our lives. Read more


The Role Of Common Sense In Following God's Guidance

God created man with an amazing brain that has a very high level of reasoning power which incorporates common sense. The Lord expects his people to use their brains. Read more


Overcome Negative Thoughts and Words Today!

Have you tried to practice positive thinking, but have failed? If so, you're not the only one. Learn a simple method for ridding yourself of negative thoughts that lead to negative words, which have power in our lives. Read more


God: The Righteous Judge

Only God, the Righteous Judge, can judge righteous judgment. The court case of Patricia Stallings, who was wrongfully convicted of first degree murder, is a grim reminder of the danger of man's judgment. She faced spending the rest of her life behind bars when it was believed that she killed her son, Ryan Stalling, by ethylene glycol poisoning. Read more


Unpopular Scripture from the Word of God - Part II

We continue our reminder of the very unpopular and rejected scriptures from the Christian Bible, the word of God. Study begins with Unpopular Scripture from the Word of God - Part I Read more


What Church Leaders Should Know About Christian Leadership

The Global Leadership Summit 2013 featured Bill Hybels and Chris Brown among other great speakers who offered extremely valuable counsel on christian leadership to church leaders. Read more


Manna Minutes Christian Podcast Episodes

Access all of the episodes of Manna Minutes Christian podcast by HeavenlyManna.net here. Manna Minutes is the podcast for busy followers of Christ who want real biblical answers to difficult and puzzling questions about life, God and the spiritual realm. Read more


The One Angel of God Whom Christians Serve

Who is this one angel of God that every Christian should be able to distinguish from the others in scripture? Why is he unique? How does identification of him lead to identification of the other angels of God? Read more


The Bible On Mental Health

Learn the specific and life-changing counsel offered by the Bible that is God's Word on mental health. Read more


Commentary to Philippians 3:12-14: The High Calling of God in Christ

Despite the miracles, signs and wonders the Lord performed through Paul, the apostle says he had not yet reached the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. These are his words in Philippians 3:12-14. What could he have possibly meant? How could he have possibly been a greater missionary? Let us get understanding of the great importance of the message in this commentary to Philippians 3:12-13. Read more


What Is Truth? Answers from the Bible

The Greek Philosophers weren't the only ones to ask, "What is truth?" This question has been answered. Read more

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