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Was There A Curse On Helen's Romantic Life?

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Public Opinion

Teofila Gottfried book

¿Qué tiene que ver conmigo? por Teófila Gottfried

Lo que leemos en la Biblia tiene que ver con todos los seres humanos, sean cristianos o judíos, ateos o agnósticos, budistas, musulmanes o adherentes a alguna de las filosofías o nuevas religiones que surgen en el mundo. ¿Por qué? Ver mayor información sobre este interesante libro.

Scripture of The Day - St. John 14:6

Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Escritura del día - San Juan 14,6

Jesús le dijo: Yo soy el camino, y la verdad, y la vida; nadie viene al Padre, sino por mí.

Bibelstelle des Tages - Johannes 14,6

Jesus spricht zu ihm: Ich bin der Weg und die Wahrheit und das Leben; niemand kommt zum Vater, denn durch mich!

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Content In: Public Opinion


All Lives Matter, Not Just Black Ones

All lives matter. So why say, Black Lives Matter? No, lack of understanding is not at the root of racism. What is at the root is a heart condition when we are angry at all White men, or at all White police officers. When there is unfair judgment, there is racism and just about every other kind of ism. Let us re-examine just or unjust public opinion of police officers as well as black, white, yellow and brown men. What it boils down to is we can only have peace with men as far as they will allow us to do that. Read more


A Christian Response To Black Lives Matter

The truth is ALL LIVES MATTER, not just Black lives. Those of us who call ourselves Bible-believing Christians have a responsibility to make judgments as we are instructed by the Scriptures of the Bible, God's Word. However, it would appear that our Christianity goes out of the window when it comes to making judgments concerning the killing of Black men and the Black Lives Matter messages. Would some African Americans change their tune if they acknowledged the contributions of such people as Viola Liuzzo, a White lady who literally gave her life to the Civil Rights Movement? Read more


Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccination: Precursor to the Mark of the Beast?

What is really behind mandatory coronavirus vaccination? It certainly is not concern for our well-being. Christians, wake up. People are actually being fired for refusing to take the shot...a shot that might permanently damage them in some way. What is more is that there is no guarantee that the vaccine is even effective. Consider this letter to the editor as a Christian perspective on the pandemic, on what role vaccination might truly end up playing. Read more


Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccination: Precursor to the Mark of the Beast?

What is really behind mandatory coronavirus vaccination? It certainly is not concern for our well-being. Christians, wake up. People are actually being fired for refusing to take the shot...a shot that might permanently damage them in some way. What is more is that there is no guarantee that the vaccine is even effective. Consider this letter to the editor as a Christian perspective on the pandemic, on what role vaccination might truly end up playing. Read more


Black Women and False Hair that Hangs to their Derriere

Do Black women with false hair down to their butts realize how stupid they look to many more people than they might think? Probably not, because when you are unintelligent, you tend to do things that you think are cute and cool, without realizing the stupidity behind the deeds. This is public opinion on which you may share your opinion. Read more


A Christian Response To Black Lives Matter

The truth is ALL LIVES MATTER, not just Black lives. Those of us who call ourselves Bible-believing Christians have a responsibility to make judgments as we are instructed by the Scriptures of the Bible, God's Word. However, it would appear that our Christianity goes out of the window when it comes to making judgments concerning the killing of Black men and the Black Lives Matter messages. Would some African Americans change their tune if they acknowledged the contributions of such people as Viola Liuzzo, a White lady who literally gave her life to the Civil Rights Movement? Read more


A Christian Response To Black Lives Matter

The truth is ALL LIVES MATTER, not just Black lives. Those of us who call ourselves Bible-believing Christians have a responsibility to make judgments as we are instructed by the Scriptures of the Bible, God's Word. However, it would appear that our Christianity goes out of the window when it comes to making judgments concerning the killing of Black men and the Black Lives Matter messages. Would some African Americans change their tune if they acknowledged the contributions of such people as Viola Liuzzo, a White lady who literally gave her life to the Civil Rights Movement? Read more


Black Women and False Hair that Hangs to their Derriere

Do Black women with false hair down to their butts realize how stupid they look to many more people than they might think? Probably not, because when you are unintelligent, you tend to do things that you think are cute and cool, without realizing the stupidity behind the deeds. This is public opinion on which you may share your opinion. Read more


A Christian Response To Black Lives Matter

The truth is ALL LIVES MATTER, not just Black lives. Those of us who call ourselves Bible-believing Christians have a responsibility to make judgments as we are instructed by the Scriptures of the Bible, God's Word. However, it would appear that our Christianity goes out of the window when it comes to making judgments concerning the killing of Black men and the Black Lives Matter messages. Would some African Americans change their tune if they acknowledged the contributions of such people as Viola Liuzzo, a White lady who literally gave her life to the Civil Rights Movement? Read more


All Lives Matter, Not Just Black Ones

All lives matter. So why say, Black Lives Matter? No, lack of understanding is not at the root of racism. What is at the root is a heart condition when we are angry at all White men, or at all White police officers. When there is unfair judgment, there is racism and just about every other kind of ism. Let us re-examine just or unjust public opinion of police officers as well as black, white, yellow and brown men. What it boils down to is we can only have peace with men as far as they will allow us to do that. Read more


Is It Evil, Mental Illness Or Low Self-Esteem?

What do boom cars have to do with evil, mental illness and low self-esteem? Plenty. When you drive down the street with so-called music so loud you would wake the dead, you are evil, mentally ill. Or you have low self-esteem. Maybe you should try to get over that, because you certainly will reap what you sow. Read more


Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccination: Precursor to the Mark of the Beast?

What is really behind mandatory coronavirus vaccination? It certainly is not concern for our well-being. Christians, wake up. People are actually being fired for refusing to take the shot...a shot that might permanently damage them in some way. What is more is that there is no guarantee that the vaccine is even effective. Consider this letter to the editor as a Christian perspective on the pandemic, on what role vaccination might truly end up playing. Read more


Is It Evil, Mental Illness Or Low Self-Esteem?

What do boom cars have to do with evil, mental illness and low self-esteem? Plenty. When you drive down the street with so-called music so loud you would wake the dead, you are evil, mentally ill. Or you have low self-esteem. Maybe you should try to get over that, because you certainly will reap what you sow. Read more


The Cost of Bullying: A Christian Perspective

The cost of bullying from a Christian perspective reminds us all that the way bullying is being handled in schools and other places will surely come back to haunt all who chose to look the other way. This is a biblical view of the Gabriel Taye case at Carson Elementary in Cincinnati. Read more


All Lives Matter, Not Just Black Ones

All lives matter. So why say, Black Lives Matter? No, lack of understanding is not at the root of racism. What is at the root is a heart condition when we are angry at all White men, or at all White police officers. When there is unfair judgment, there is racism and just about every other kind of ism. Let us re-examine just or unjust public opinion of police officers as well as black, white, yellow and brown men. What it boils down to is we can only have peace with men as far as they will allow us to do that. Read more


Black Women and False Hair that Hangs to their Derriere

Do Black women with false hair down to their butts realize how stupid they look to many more people than they might think? Probably not, because when you are unintelligent, you tend to do things that you think are cute and cool, without realizing the stupidity behind the deeds. This is public opinion on which you may share your opinion. Read more


Is It Evil, Mental Illness Or Low Self-Esteem?

What do boom cars have to do with evil, mental illness and low self-esteem? Plenty. When you drive down the street with so-called music so loud you would wake the dead, you are evil, mentally ill. Or you have low self-esteem. Maybe you should try to get over that, because you certainly will reap what you sow. Read more


What Is With The Feed Hungry America Campaigns?

More people than we might think find it very odd that there are so many Feed Hungry America campaigns across a nation filled with obese people...including children. What is behind it all? Read more


Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccination: Precursor to the Mark of the Beast?

What is really behind mandatory coronavirus vaccination? It certainly is not concern for our well-being. Christians, wake up. People are actually being fired for refusing to take the shot...a shot that might permanently damage them in some way. What is more is that there is no guarantee that the vaccine is even effective. Consider this letter to the editor as a Christian perspective on the pandemic, on what role vaccination might truly end up playing. Read more


Mandatory Coronavirus Vaccination: Precursor to the Mark of the Beast?

What is really behind mandatory coronavirus vaccination? It certainly is not concern for our well-being. Christians, wake up. People are actually being fired for refusing to take the shot...a shot that might permanently damage them in some way. What is more is that there is no guarantee that the vaccine is even effective. Consider this letter to the editor as a Christian perspective on the pandemic, on what role vaccination might truly end up playing. Read more


Black Women and False Hair that Hangs to their Derriere

Do Black women with false hair down to their butts realize how stupid they look to many more people than they might think? Probably not, because when you are unintelligent, you tend to do things that you think are cute and cool, without realizing the stupidity behind the deeds. This is public opinion on which you may share your opinion. Read more


What Is With The Feed Hungry America Campaigns?

More people than we might think find it very odd that there are so many Feed Hungry America campaigns across a nation filled with obese people...including children. What is behind it all? Read more


The Cost of Bullying: A Christian Perspective

The cost of bullying from a Christian perspective reminds us all that the way bullying is being handled in schools and other places will surely come back to haunt all who chose to look the other way. This is a biblical view of the Gabriel Taye case at Carson Elementary in Cincinnati. Read more


A Christian Response To Black Lives Matter

The truth is ALL LIVES MATTER, not just Black lives. Those of us who call ourselves Bible-believing Christians have a responsibility to make judgments as we are instructed by the Scriptures of the Bible, God's Word. However, it would appear that our Christianity goes out of the window when it comes to making judgments concerning the killing of Black men and the Black Lives Matter messages. Would some African Americans change their tune if they acknowledged the contributions of such people as Viola Liuzzo, a White lady who literally gave her life to the Civil Rights Movement? Read more


Is It Evil, Mental Illness Or Low Self-Esteem?

What do boom cars have to do with evil, mental illness and low self-esteem? Plenty. When you drive down the street with so-called music so loud you would wake the dead, you are evil, mentally ill. Or you have low self-esteem. Maybe you should try to get over that, because you certainly will reap what you sow. Read more

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