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First Page True Stories

Truth really can be stranger than fiction.

First Page - Now launched! All the stories are true, or based on real events. Unlimited reading for $4.99 / month. No downloads. Read on your phone, tablet or computer.

La verdad puede ser más extraña que la ficción.

First Page - ¡Ya está en marcha! Todas las historias son verídicas, o están basadas en hechos reales. Lectura ilimitada por $4.99 / mes. No hay que descargar nada. Lea en su teléfono, tableta u ordenador.

Manna Minutes Christian Podcast

Manna Minutes Podcast: Eye-opening Bible study in less than five minutes! Access all episodes here.

Podcast cristiano Manna Minutes

El podcast Manna Minutes: ¡Estudio bíblico que nos hace abrir los ojos en menos de cinco minutos! Acceda a todos los episodios aquí.

Manna Minutes Christian Podcast

Manna Minutes Podcast Auf Deutsch: Augenöffnendes Bibelstudium in weniger als fünf Minuten! Alle Episoden finden Sie hier.

Is The Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate Of God? Or Is It Evil?

Did you know the Word of God (the Christian Bible) speaks directly against what governments are doing with Covid-19 vaccine mandates? Get the facts here

¿Viene de Dios el mandato de vacuna contra el Covid-19? O ¿acaso es malo?

¿Sabía que la Palabra de Dios (la Biblia cristiana) condena de manera directa lo que los gobiernos están haciendo a través de los mandatos de vacuna contra el Covid-19? Obtenga los hechos aquí.


The Third Man by Angela Sheffield

Was There A Curse On Helen's Romantic Life?

The Third Man by Angela Sheffield is based on a true story. Read chapter one now!

Should A Christian Practice Yoga Or Pilates? The Shocking Truth

Perhaps you practice yoga for health reasons, or to reduce stress. But, do you really know the diabolical goal of any form or style of yoga, including pilates? Get your answers here

La verdad espeluznante sobre el yoga revelada por la Biblia cristiana

Quizás practiques yoga por motivos de salud o para reducir el estrés. Pero, ¿realmente conoces el objetivo diabólico de cualquier forma o estilo de yoga, incluido el pilates? Obten tus respuestas aquí.

Communicating With The Dead: Learn The Shocking Truth

The spirit you think is mom, dad, or some other loved one from beyond the grave is NOT your loved one. But, what about the "proof" that the living can indeed talk to the dead? Let God's Word open your eyes to a deception that is pure evil. Read Spirits Of The Deceased

Comunicarse con los muertos: La impactante verdad

El espíritu que parece ser tu madre, padre o algún otro ser querido tuyo desde el más allá NO es tu ser querido. Pero, ¿qué hay de "la prueba" de que los vivos pueden comunicarse con los muertos? Permite que la Palabra de Dios te abra los ojos para que veas el engaño que es de la maldad pura. Te invitamos a leer ¿Están los muertos entre los vivos?

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Capital Punishment Is Sanctioned By The Bible

Christians and believers in the Bible, the Word of God calls for the death penalty for first degree murder, rape, and other acts of violence. The Bible tells us to behold the goodness AND the severity of God whose Word--including in the New Testament--does NOT speak against capital punishment Read the scriptural proof now.

La Biblia sanciona la pena capital

Cristianos y creyentes en la Biblia, la Palabra de Dios pide la pena de muerte para el asesinato en primer grado, la violación y otros actos de violencia. La Biblia nos dice que contemplemos la bondad Y la severidad de Dios, cuya Palabra -incluso en el Nuevo Testamento- NO habla en contra de la pena capital. Lea ahora la prueba bíblica.

traducciones inglés español

Teofila Gottfried book

¿Qué tiene que ver conmigo? por Teófila Gottfried

Lo que leemos en la Biblia tiene que ver con todos los seres humanos, sean cristianos o judíos, ateos o agnósticos, budistas, musulmanes o adherentes a alguna de las filosofías o nuevas religiones que surgen en el mundo. ¿Por qué? Ver mayor información sobre este interesante libro.

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Content In: Grab Bag (Very Interesting)


Affordable Spanish English Article Translations

Do you need affordable article translations for your website, blog, ezine, magazine, or newsletter? We provide quality general, Christian, medical, and scientific translations from and into English to help you meet your business needs and goals. Read more


Christian Jokes and Stories That Are No Laughing Matter

Laughter certainly is good for the soul according to the biblical scripture of Ecclesiastes 3.4. However, Christian jokes and stories that... Read more


A Message To The Many Lonely Christians In The World

What is going on that there are so many lonely Christians in the world? What can be done about the problem? Does the Bible offer any advise or explanation for the unhappiness so many are now experiencing? Yes, it does. Read more


What Does a Ghost Writer Do?

Learn what a ghost writer does, which will help you to decide whether you might benefit from the services of such a person. Read more


Little John Movie Review

This Little John movie review, starring Ving Rhames and Gloria Reuben, inspires thought-provoking discussion of questions about life. A Christian perspective is introduced into the topics that are tackled, because the Bible deals with age-old problems of man. Read more


He Came to Set the Captives Free by Rebecca Brown MD: A Review

Rebecca Brown MD is the author of the book, He Came To Set The Captives Free, in which many questions concerning the paranormal are raised and answered according to scripture from the Christian Bible. There are, however, some teachings about curses and other topics related to the spirit realm that are not in agreement with scripture. Read more


How Do I Choose the Best Database Management System Software?

These tips will help you to select the best database management system software for your computing needs. Read more


Christianity and the African American Way of Life in Race Films

One value that race films, also known as race movies, offer us is insight into Christianity in the African American way of life. Watch Lying Lips 1939, The Blood of Jesus, and Go Down, Death! right here for free. Read more


Christian Dating Scams: Learn How to Detect Them

Internet dating fake profiles are on virtually every website offering match-making services. This is true of the free as well as the fee-based sites, including Christian ones. Therefore, Christian dating scams are just as prevalent, if not more prevalent than the popular Nigerian Internet dating scams on secular sites. In fact Nigerian scammers continue to flood Christian dating sites. Know the warning signs and save time, trouble, financial loss, embarrassment, and frustration. Read more


The Best German Courses For Busy People: Verb Juggling Herr Professor

If you must learn German, but you have little time to spend studying, among the best courses you can take are classes with Manuel of HerrProfessor.com Try his free verb juggling podcasts to see for yourself just how valuable his courses are. Read more


Discrimination Against Age: Too Old to Live and Too Young to Die

The ugliness of discrimination against age and lack of honor for respectable older Americans has contributed to the deterioration of society in the United States. How should those who are affected respond? Read more


Dame más de Paco de Alabastro: Letras en inglés

Las letras de Dame más de Paco de Alabastro han sido traducidas al inglés. The lyrics to Dame mas de Paco de Alabastro have been translated to English. Read more


The Role of Women in the Church: Let Them Keep Silence?

There are at least a couple of passages in the New Testament of the Christian Bible that appear to limit the role of women in the church to one of keeping silence. Have these scriptures been misinterpreted, or are they being deliberately ignored? The apostle Paul said: I suffer not a woman to teach. He also wrote: Let your women keep silence, for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. In light of these words, why are women teaching the Bible? Why are they preaching the word of God? And, why are some of them even ordained pastors? Get your answers here without studying history books. Read more


Become a Journalist Through Distance Education

Fortunately, the prestigious London School of Journalism offers three different respected diplomas in Journalism which students worldwide may study by correspondence. Read more


The Best Free Short Stories Online: Fiction Based on True Stories

Do you love to read? If so, read free short stories online at TheBestFiction.com launched in 2013. Whether you like inspirational true stories, flash fiction, romance, Christian fiction, or ghost stories, you will find some of the best fiction that has been published at our site. Read more


Learning German Is Not Difficult

Learning German requires acquiring basic understanding about declension, case, articles, and the memorization of what is masculine, feminine, and neuter. These are great tips for anyone seeking to learn the German language. Read more


A Review of the Movie The Invisible Guest Directed by Oriol Paulo

The Invisible Guest (original title: Contratiempo), directed by Oriol Paulo, is one of the very best modern Spanish movies. Released in 2017, actors Mario Casas, Ana Wagener, Jose Coronado and Barbara Lennie give a brilliant performance that leaves a lasting impact on movie buffs who like a good whodunit. Read more


100 Sentences in Advanced Spanish with English Translations

Are you an intermediate or advanced learner of Spanish? If so, these one hundred sentences in Spanish can help you to pick up vocabulary and sharpen your translation skills. Read more


Encouragement for Christian Teens

Adult Christians often forget that God calls servants for himself from every social status, nation, educational background, and age group, including the very young. Read more


The Real Id Card: Threat of Centralization?

More and more Americans are opposed to the issuance of a national identification card, better known as a real ID card. Learn why. Read more


Do Dragons Really Exist?

Stories of the existence of dragons are told by cultures the world around. Did one nation give birth to a legend that spread to other nations? Even if this is true, what fueled the very first stories of dragons? Do dragons really exist? Does the Christian Bible offer any information on the subject? Get straightforward answers to these questions directly from scripture. Read more


Intense Bible Study for Intense Questions about the Paranormal, the Afterlife and More

Do you have questions about the Bible, about God, about the paranormal, the spirit world and the afterlife? Would you like for your answers to come from the Word of God? If so, join us for intense Bible study by Skype. People around the world are frustrated with typical Bible studies that are not feeding them spiritually nor answering their legitimate questions. Read more


Spanish English Christian Translations

Christian translations are justifiably considered by some people to be a specialty, because of the hostility against Christianity that exists in the world. Heavenly Manna Ministries is a Christian ministry that understands the unique concerns that many authors and publishers have when it comes to religious translations. Read more


Crimes in the Church of God in Christ (COGIC)

Much has been publicized on the criminal and shameful behavior that has taken place in the Catholic church. However, all is not well in the lesser known Church of God in Christ (COGIC). Crimes committed by members of the COGIC are not limited to the occupants of the pews. They have also been perpetrated by those who occupy the pulpits. Read more


Boom Cars: Trance Music in Disguise?

Boom cars or cars that go boom, whatever you prefer to call them, are not just vehicles that cause noise pollution. Discover what they have in common with trance music, incantations, and the summoning of demons. Read more

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