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Truth really can be stranger than fiction.

First Page - Now launched! All the stories are true, or based on real events. Unlimited reading for $4.99 / month. No downloads. Read on your phone, tablet or computer.

La verdad puede ser más extraña que la ficción.

First Page - ¡Ya está en marcha! Todas las historias son verídicas, o están basadas en hechos reales. Lectura ilimitada por $4.99 / mes. No hay que descargar nada. Lea en su teléfono, tableta u ordenador.

Manna Minutes Christian Podcast

Manna Minutes Podcast: Eye-opening Bible study in less than five minutes! Access all episodes here.

Podcast cristiano Manna Minutes

El podcast Manna Minutes: ¡Estudio bíblico que nos hace abrir los ojos en menos de cinco minutos! Acceda a todos los episodios aquí.

Manna Minutes Christian Podcast

Manna Minutes Podcast Auf Deutsch: Augenöffnendes Bibelstudium in weniger als fünf Minuten! Alle Episoden finden Sie hier.

Is The Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate Of God? Or Is It Evil?

Did you know the Word of God (the Christian Bible) speaks directly against what governments are doing with Covid-19 vaccine mandates? Get the facts here

¿Viene de Dios el mandato de vacuna contra el Covid-19? O ¿acaso es malo?

¿Sabía que la Palabra de Dios (la Biblia cristiana) condena de manera directa lo que los gobiernos están haciendo a través de los mandatos de vacuna contra el Covid-19? Obtenga los hechos aquí.


The Third Man by Angela Sheffield

Was There A Curse On Helen's Romantic Life?

The Third Man by Angela Sheffield is based on a true story. Read chapter one now!

Should A Christian Practice Yoga Or Pilates? The Shocking Truth

Perhaps you practice yoga for health reasons, or to reduce stress. But, do you really know the diabolical goal of any form or style of yoga, including pilates? Get your answers here

La verdad espeluznante sobre el yoga revelada por la Biblia cristiana

Quizás practiques yoga por motivos de salud o para reducir el estrés. Pero, ¿realmente conoces el objetivo diabólico de cualquier forma o estilo de yoga, incluido el pilates? Obten tus respuestas aquí.

Communicating With The Dead: Learn The Shocking Truth

The spirit you think is mom, dad, or some other loved one from beyond the grave is NOT your loved one. But, what about the "proof" that the living can indeed talk to the dead? Let God's Word open your eyes to a deception that is pure evil. Read Spirits Of The Deceased

Comunicarse con los muertos: La impactante verdad

El espíritu que parece ser tu madre, padre o algún otro ser querido tuyo desde el más allá NO es tu ser querido. Pero, ¿qué hay de "la prueba" de que los vivos pueden comunicarse con los muertos? Permite que la Palabra de Dios te abra los ojos para que veas el engaño que es de la maldad pura. Te invitamos a leer ¿Están los muertos entre los vivos?

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Capital Punishment Is Sanctioned By The Bible

Christians and believers in the Bible, the Word of God calls for the death penalty for first degree murder, rape, and other acts of violence. The Bible tells us to behold the goodness AND the severity of God whose Word--including in the New Testament--does NOT speak against capital punishment Read the scriptural proof now.

La Biblia sanciona la pena capital

Cristianos y creyentes en la Biblia, la Palabra de Dios pide la pena de muerte para el asesinato en primer grado, la violación y otros actos de violencia. La Biblia nos dice que contemplemos la bondad Y la severidad de Dios, cuya Palabra -incluso en el Nuevo Testamento- NO habla en contra de la pena capital. Lea ahora la prueba bíblica.

traducciones inglés español

Teofila Gottfried book

¿Qué tiene que ver conmigo? por Teófila Gottfried

Lo que leemos en la Biblia tiene que ver con todos los seres humanos, sean cristianos o judíos, ateos o agnósticos, budistas, musulmanes o adherentes a alguna de las filosofías o nuevas religiones que surgen en el mundo. ¿Por qué? Ver mayor información sobre este interesante libro.

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Content In: Physical/Mental Health and Wellness


EMS Respiratory Patient Assessment

EMS patient assessment for respiratory or any other problem can be one of the most challenging skills to acquire for EMT and paramedic students. This respiratory patient assessment is directed to advanced EMT students preparing to take practicals in 2012. Read more


What Should You Know As a Patient About Starting an IV?

Almost anyone who has been hospitalized or even has been a patient in an ambulance or in the emergency department has had intravenous (IV) therapy. In other words, they've been on the receiving end of a health care provider starting an IV. These are things that you, as the patient, might want to know about IV therapy. Read more


Radiation Poisoning: Miso Soup and Other Foods to Naturally Detoxify

Among the foods named that appear to be beneficial in recovering from radiation poisoning are: miso... Read more


Benefits of Consuming Coconut Oil

Learn about the health benefits of coconut oil and the truth about medium chain triglycerides and fatty acids. Read more


Questioning the Teachings of Ecopsychology, Ecotherapy or Green Psychology

Ecopsychology, also known as ecotherapy and green psychology, is seriously flawed, which is why it has failed in the treatment of mental illness. Why? Because often what is labeled mental illness is nothing short of pure evil. The Holy Bible offers a treasure of wisdom on what is good mental health in the eyes of God, the Creator of the mind. Learn what you never knew you never knew. Read more


Why Won't God Heal Me? A Question Too Many Sick Christians Are Asking

The modern church is filled with sick Christians who continue to pray, Heal me, God...if it be Your will. But they ask themselves, Why wont God heal me? Are there other questions they should be asking themselves? Yes, there are, especially since they believe in Gods power to heal the body. Read more


La Bibbia Sulla Saggezza degli Angeli

Molte persone cercano la sapienza degli angeli per avere risposte ai problemi della vita. Ma ciò che la parola di Dio dice di questa ricerca? Read more


What is Mental Health and Christian Meditation According to God's Word?

Man's definition of mental health and christian meditation is not always in agreement with God's word. Read more


Alchemical Healing from a Biblical Perspective

Some Christians who are battling sickness have taken a look at the book, Alchemical Healing, by Nicki Scully, in search of help. Could these believers in Jesus be on the right track in their search for divine healing? Genuine followers of Christ believe that the word of God is their instruction in righteousness (2 Timothy 3:16). Therefore, it is only logical to turn to the scriptures for biblical light on the subject of alchemical healing before embracing this New Age doctrine. Read more


Support Bone Health and Healthy Joints with Glucosamine, Chondroitin and Calcium Combinations

Learn to naturally support healthy joints, cartilage and bone health inexpensively with all natural supplements: Glucosamine, chondroitin, calcium, magnesium, zinc, and vitamin D3. Many people have found great relief from joint pain and weak bones in as little as three days by adding these nutrients to their diet. Read more


Radiation Poisoning: Miso Soup and Other Foods to Naturally Detoxify

Among the foods named that appear to be beneficial in recovering from radiation poisoning are: miso... Read more


EMT Basic Training and EMT experience: Bridging the Gap - Part I

The saying, "There is nothing like experience," applies to the differences between the world of EMT basic training and real world EMT experience. Read more


What Is Christian Reality Therapy? And Could It Help Me?

This no-nonsense approach to defining Christian reality therapy not only helps you to understand what it is, and to know whether it might help you. In The Third Man, by Angela Sheffield, readers are drawn into the world of a counselor for whom Christian reality therapy is the base on which her therapy sessions rest. Read more


Chuchuhuasi: The health Benefits of a Tropical Tree

Learn how the medicinal herb chuchuhuasi might be used in all natural medicine. Read more


Echinacea for Infection: One of the best herbal remedies God Provided

Native Americans successfully used the herb echinacea for infection for many years. Millions of others are returning to the all natural medicines and foods that God provided in abundance to prevent and treat disease. Discover the benefits of echinacea proven by its repeated use in history and by scientific research; and be informed of echinacea side effects if you choose to use this herb for infection. Read more


What Are the Benefits of Horehound?

More and more people are discovering the health benefits of horehound, an herb that has been used since antiquity. Read more


What is Mental Health and Christian Meditation According to God's Word?

Man's definition of mental health and christian meditation is not always in agreement with God's word. Read more


Dual Personality and Multiple Personalities: What Does the Christian Bible say?

Does God's word shed any light on the mental problems of dual personality and multiple personalities? Learn why some believers say that it does. Read more


Christian Help for Women in Abusive Relationships

Help for women in abusive relationships must involve the cooperation of the women themselves. A knowledge of the reasons why women stay in abused relationships is essential. Once this knowledge is gained, the root of the problems can be attacked and the woman and her children placed on the road to recovery. The Christian Bible tells us that every need is answered in Jesus. Read more


EMT Clinicals Experience for Newbies

If you are an emergency medical technician (EMT) student at the basic or advanced level, you must do what are known as EMT clinicals. This is to give you real-world, hands-on practice of your skills while working with real patients under the supervision of a preceptor. Here are some of the things you might encounter. Read more


The Watermelon Kidney Cleanse: Safe, Simple, Effective

A real kidney cleanse can be performed with nothing but water and a fresh watermelon. Read more


Morphine for Cancer: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

The use of morphine for cancer pain relief is a widespread practice. However, many are now questioning if deadly morphine side effects strip away all hope of a patient's survival. Read more


Joshua and Achan: The Trespass in the Accursed Thing

How could Joshua have known that Achan would commit a trespass in the accursed thing, and trouble Israel? This was one of the most baffling questions we had when reading about Joshua and the battle of Jericho in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. Israel suffered defeat by the men of Ai who killed around 36 men in the army of Israel. Let this commentary on the book of Joshua open your eyes to how important it is to pay close attention to everything the Lord speaks to us. Read more


The Truth about Hearing Voices of Spirits

Some say that hearing the voices of spirits is a sure sign of mental illness. Others who say they are Christian believe it is a gift from God. But what does the Holy Bible say about this important question? The Lord Jesus Himself enlightens us on what is taking place in the spirit realm when we encounter this. Read more


Questioning Christian Vegetarianism and Veganism

Is Christian vegetarianism and veganism supported by biblical scripture? No, it is not. Read more

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