First Page - Now launched! All the stories are true, or based on real events. Unlimited reading for $4.99 / month. No downloads. Read on your phone, tablet or computer.
First Page - ¡Ya está en marcha! Todas las historias son verídicas, o están basadas en hechos reales. Lectura ilimitada por $4.99 / mes. No hay que descargar nada. Lea en su teléfono, tableta u ordenador.
Estudio bíblico que nos hace abrir los ojos en menos de cinco minutos! Acceda a todos los episodios aquí.
Augenöffnendes Bibelstudium in weniger als fünf Minuten! Alle Episoden finden Sie hier.
The Third Man by Angela Sheffield is based on a true story. Read chapter one now!
Lo que leemos en la Biblia tiene que ver con todos los seres humanos, sean cristianos o judíos, ateos o agnósticos, budistas, musulmanes o adherentes a alguna de las filosofías o nuevas religiones que surgen en el mundo. ¿Por qué? Ver mayor información sobre este interesante libro.
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world
Amados, no creáis a todo espíritu, sino probad los espíritus si son de Dios; porque muchos falsos profetas han salido por el mundo.
Geliebte, glaubet nicht jedem Geist, sondern prüfet die Geister, ob sie von Gott sind! Denn es sind viele falsche Propheten hinausgegangen in die Welt.
The Old Testament book of Genesis gives the account of a talking serpent in the garden of Eden. But, should we really believe that an animal carried on a conversation with Eve? Why wouldn't Eve find this very strange? After all, we don't read that any of the other animals went around talking to man or to each other. Did Satan posses the serpent or did he take on the image of the animal? In either case, why would God curse an innocent animal if he was simply an instrument that was used by the Devil? Does this mean that animals can sin? If so, why were animals sacrificed for the remission of sins during Old Testament times?
There is scripture in the word of God that speaks of dragons. But, has the existence of dragons ever been proven? The myths and fables of pagans include dragons. Their stories about this very mysterious creature that no one alive has ever seen are considered fantasy and fiction, not reality. Why should the biblical account of dragons be believed? What spiritual messages are received when we believe in the biblical account of the real existence of dragons instead of dismissing them as myths and fables? Our thought-provoking and eye-opening Bible study on dragons and other so-called myths and fables of the Bible answers every question surrounding dragons.
And, there's the age old question of how did Cain find a wife if there were only three people in the world after he murdered his brother, Abel? Would not only Adam and Eve, and himself be the only people in the world? These are puzzling questions that, when we read what the scriptures actually do and do NOT say, totally disappear!
These questions are very legitimate ones. And, because so few Christians have answered them according to biblical scripture, the amazing, but true stories of the Bible have been chalked up to be Christian myths and fables. This is exactly what Satan wants people to believe. If they believe that the stories of the word of God are fantasy and fiction, they can, and most likely will not believe the heart of biblical truth that Jesus, the Son of God, is the only salvation for all of the world.
Whether you are an individual who has believed that there are myths and fables in the Bible, or are a Christian teacher of the Bible without answers to these difficult questions, we invite you to study the scriptures with us.
Based on true events, The Third Man by Angela Sheffield, brings the Bible up close and personal as the characters face real issues of life: Betrayal, deceit, romance, bitterness, anger against God, hopelessness, will power, perplexity, triumph, unforgiveness, mental illness, and the "Alcohol made me do it" excuse. Read chapter one FREE now.
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