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Was There A Curse On Helen's Romantic Life?
The Third Man by Angela Sheffield is based on a true story. Read chapter one now!
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¿Qué tiene que ver conmigo? por Teófila Gottfried
Lo que leemos en la Biblia tiene que ver con todos los seres humanos, sean cristianos o judíos, ateos o agnósticos, budistas, musulmanes o adherentes a alguna de las filosofías o nuevas religiones que surgen en el mundo. ¿Por qué? Ver mayor información sobre este interesante libro.
Scripture of The Day - 1 John 4:1
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world
Escritura del día - 1 Juan 4,1
Amados, no creáis a todo espíritu, sino probad los espíritus si son de Dios; porque muchos falsos profetas han salido por el mundo.
Bibelstelle des Tages - 1 Johannes 4,1
Geliebte, glaubet nicht jedem Geist, sondern prüfet die Geister, ob sie von Gott sind! Denn es sind viele falsche Propheten hinausgegangen in die Welt.
Yemanja (Yemanya) Day: Honoring the Goddess of the Sea
On Yemanja day, also known as Yemanya day, some people of African descent, particularly those of the Yoruba culture, hold a celebration for Yemanya, the goddess of the sea. Often people who are not of African ethnicity join in with those who worship the deity whether they themselves are believers or just supporters. But, what type of spirit is Yemanya, the goddess of the sea, really? Her true identity can be unmasked by asking some legitimate questions about what is taught regarding her attributes and the powers that she supposedly has.
Yemanya, the Goddess of the Sea, Is Compassionate?
It's said that Yemanya is compassionate to those who call on her. The God of Israel is compassionate with the righteous as well as the unrighteous (Matthew 5:45). Also, in SOME parts of the world, animal sacrifices are made to the goddess of the sea. She is not at all compassionate; she has a bloodthirsty nature. Animal sacrifices are no longer made to the God of Israel. Christ, the Lamb of God, died on the cross at Calvary (Golgotha), as the final and perfect sacrifice for all time.
"Christ was ONCE offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation" (KJV, Hebrews 9:28)
"Thus saith the Lord the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last, and BESIDE ME THERE IS NO GOD" (Isaiah 44:6).
Yemanya, the goddess of the sea, is exposed as an idol because there is no God apart from the God of Israel. "What say I then? that the idol is any thing, or that which is offered in sacrifice to idols is any thing? But I say, that the things which the Gentiles (pagans) sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and NOT to God. And, I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils" (Christian Bible, 1 Corinthians 19-20 22). The apostle Paul reveals that idol gods, including Yemanya, the goddess of the sea, is in reality a demonic being, a devil. May everyone who loves truth and fears God never again participate in the celebration of Yemanja day.
Unanswered Questions about the Goddess of the Sea
According to Yoruban mythology, Yemanya is the mother and source of all life on Earth. If that is true, shouldn't she then understand ALL things? The logical response is "Yes." But, are there any scriptures that have been inspired by this goddess of the sea--scriptures that prove that she possesses divine wisdom and understanding? As far as we know, no such scriptures exist.
On the contrary, indeed it can be said of the only and wise God of Israel, the Holy Spirit who inspired the scriptures of the Christian Bible, that he is a divine and astounding source of wisdom. The Bible teaches biology, chemistry, meteorology, physics, hydrology, astronomy, psychology, and even technology. Where are the inspired scriptures from Yemanya, the goddess of the sea, that teach the sciences and history? If Yemanya is truly a goddess, shouldn't she understand ALL things? Yes, she should.
The biblical scripture of Isaiah 40:22, written more than 2,000 years ago, teaches that the earth is spherical. There were no telescopes in those days so people thought that Earth was flat. The scriptures of Isaiah were inspired by the God of Israel, Creator of ALL things, and NOT by Yemanya, the goddess of the sea, the idol celebrated on Yemanja day.
The biblical scripture of Leviticus 17:11 says, "For the life of the flesh is in the blood...." Life cannot be sustained if there is too much blood loss. This is a perfect teaching of biology. In Ecclesiastes 3:14 we have the first law of thermodynamics, also known as the law of the conservation of matter. The biblical scripture of Job 30:5-6 teaches that there were cave men in ancient times. It is quite evident that the wisdom of Yemanya, the goddess of the sea, is nowhere near the wisdom of the God of Israel, whose name is Christ Jesus.
Ecclesiastes 1:6-7 describes the circulation of wind and the waters of the earth as accurately as a meteorologist! Dinosaurs are described in the book of Job, and the passages of Genesis 22:17 and Jeremiah 33:22 state that the stars of the heavens cannot be counted. There is no technology that can tell scientists how many stars are in space. The scriptures of Genesis 1:11-12, 1:21, and 1:25 give an actual definition of biogenesis. Does Yemanya, the goddess of the sea, know these things? The Lord of Israel knows all of them.
The passages of Psalm 135:7, Jeremiah 10:13, Job 36:27-29, Ecclesiastes 1:7, and Isaiah 55:10 speak on hydrology, flawlessly describing evaporation of water, precipitation, lightening, and the circulation of the waters of the earth. This is just a small sampling of the wisdom of the God of Israel. Can the same thing be said about Yemanya, the goddess of the sea?
Eye-Opening Bible Studies and Other Christian Reading:
Are Unbelievable Bible Stories Biblical fairy Tales?
Deliver Us from Black Magic Evil (Christian fiction based on a true story)
In Depth Bible Study by Heavenly Manna Vol. I
Who Is Jesus, the Only Begotten Son of God?
Based on true events, The Third Man by Angela Sheffield, brings the Bible up close and personal as the characters face real issues of life: Betrayal, deceit, romance, bitterness, anger against God, hopelessness, will power, perplexity, triumph, unforgiveness, mental illness, and the "Alcohol made me do it" excuse. Read chapter one FREE now.
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